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Think Effective Consultancy Can Help You Create...
A Community or Cross Sector Approach to 
Mental Health Improvement

I work with communities, local government & passionate individuals like you who want to make real & sustainable change happen in the space of mental health.

All across society amazing individuals work in silos trying to solve the mental health crisis, frustrated that it continues to worsen despite ongoing effort, and burnt out from trying to do it all.

Rural communities have a unique opportunity to bring the strengths that already exist in govt sectors, community and sporting groups together to create an intentional & collaborative approach to improve mental health & wellbeing outcomes.

Think Effective Consultancy can provide you with a grass roots, proven framework for improvement and clear actionable steps that will help you create a cross-sector or community approach that will lead to true mental health reform in your region and ongoing funding to support it.

Why Do You Need A 
Community Approach 
To Mental Health?

Because this is about saving people’s lives!

This is not about watching the statistics, it is about changing them.

It is about working together and taking people’s individual strengths that exist and bringing them together to improve localised mental health outcomes.

It is about making sustainable change happen from the ground up to ensure that mental health and wellbeing is a priority across all aspects of society.

It is about ensuring that passionate people, like you, don’t burn out from lack of traction and that you, instead, create true change in the space of mental health.

What Does A Community Approach
to Mental Health Look Like?
Think Effective Consultancy
Will Take You From Feeling...
Frustrated & burnt out trying to improve mental health services and pathways for support
Having a working action team and a Community Wellbeing Plan that can create localised, sustainable solutions for mental health improvement.
Confused and not sure where to start
Leaving you inspired and with clear actions you can implement immediately.
Being stuck and having endless discussions about the issues with no solutions
Having specific strategies to help you create a team/engage stakeholders/create mental health messaging or wherever you are up to in the process of improving mental health outcomes
Having a clear roadmap for improving mental health in your community.
Govt sectors, community + sporting groups and local businesses working together to improve mental health outcomes.
Having a connected community that values and supports mental health and could problem solve issues in order to create localised solutions as they arise.
Having easy to find and varied support pathways for those needing support for their mental health.
Being the driver for change or a key part of the process in your community.
Hear What Others Have To Say
How Can Think Effective Consultancy Help You Improve Mental Health & Wellbeing Outcomes Across Your Community?
presentations and workshops
digital courses
community wellbeing plan
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