Contact Me
Helping Communities, Schools
& Passionate Individuals Improve
Mental Health Outcomes
About Me
As Seen In:
Would you like to work across the sectors to improve mental health outcomes in a more intentional approach?

Would you like to create a Culture of Wellbeing that considers all that goes on for a child and looks beyond their behaviour to truly make a difference?

I am an Independent Consultant who can help you achieve these goals!

I am a Chair and founder of a Community Mental Health Action Team and believe that implementing a cross sector approach to mental health allows us to work together across the sectors in order to achieve a common goal. It enables us to identify gaps and find effective solutions in order to engage in prevention, intervention and support in mental health in order to save lives.

I have also worked in Education for over 20 years as both a Level 3 Classroom Teacher and as a Deputy Principal. I have spent my career leading effective change for student mental health and wellbeing and behaviour with both staff, students and across networks and communities, and I want to help others share my success and apply these effective processes in their local environment.

I feel passionately that we can DO THINGS BETTER! We can work across the sectors to make sustainable, localised change happen in order to make a real difference to mental health and wellbeing across society and within schools

On my website you will find:

  • My blog with detailed information about how to implement change in these areas
  • Resources to help you implement change effectively in your own setting and get you started on your journey
  • Access to my FREE newsletter to keep up-to-date with regular additions to the website and all of my free content
  • Effective solutions to help with whatever stage you are up to in developing a community approach to mental health or improving improving student mental health and wellbeing and behaviour in your setting
  • Detailed information about how to create a Culture of Wellbeing across your school
  • Implementing effective initiatives in student mental health and wellbeing in order to create a positive culture.
As Seen In:
Community or Cross Sector 
Approaches to Mental Health
I work with communities & passionate individuals who want to make localised & sustainable change happen in the space of mental health. I can help you create a working action team & a Community Wellbeing Plan.
More Information & Help
Student & Staff Wellbeing
& Mental Health
I work with schools and passionate educators who want to improve mental health & welbeing outcomes in schools. I can provide you with a proven approach for improving mental health & work towards creating a Culture of Wellbeing
More Information & Help

When I’m not working with others to deliver successful new initiatives and helping leaders to write engaging action plans, I can be found enjoying life with my husband and 3 boys on a beautiful farm in the South West of Western Australia.

I have 3 gorgeous dogs Nitro & Storm, our hardworking farm kelpies and Nahla, a very cheeky and mischievous little Jug. I am a lead singer in a local band and I love to travel.

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