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Think Effective Consultancy Can Help You Create...
A Culture of Wellbeing or An Improved Approach to Mental Health & Wellbeing in your School That Considers The Whole Student

I work with schools & passionate educators like you who want to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes for your students and school.

You might be tired of seeing effective programmes being implemented for SEL but nothing truly changing regarding the culture within the school.

You might have an approach to behaviour but it is not effectively aligned with mental health and wellbeing or perhaps you’re stuck and don’t know where to go next in order to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes for your students.

The problem is you don’t know where to start, how to create ongoing momentum or how to bring key people together. You have a vision or desire to make change happen in your school but need to steps to take in order to be successful.

Think Effective Consultancy can provide you with a proven approach for improving mental health in your school and will help you work towards creating a Culture of Wellbeing that incorporates both mental health and behaviour.

Why Do You Need A Consistent & Planned Approach to Mental Health & Wellbeing in Schools?

Because this is about setting our youth up for life!

We don’t want to keep watching our students fall through the cracks. We want to start making a difference and changing the statistics!

It is about creating a culture of wellbeing in our schools rather than just implementing a programme.

It is about adopting a process that is done effectively and sustainably and gets MAXIMUM buy-in from staff, students and parents.

It is about using consistent language and approaches across classrooms to ensure that we make a difference in every child’s life!

What Does A Community Approach
to Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Look Like?
Think Effective Consultancy
Will Take You From Feeling...
Frustrated and confused by all that you need to do or where to start in order to improve mental health & wellbeing in your school
Creating a culture of wellbeing that encompasses all areas critical to a student’s mental health & wellbeing.
To take you from feeling stressed & confused about where to start or how to make improvements...
Having a clear roadmap for success & a planned approach for improving student mental health that takes all areas into consideration (Rather than just being a stand alone programme)
Creating A School Culture That...
Has a clear process and pathway for supporting student mental health
Teaches students how to look after their mental health so that they can live positive and fulfilling adult lives
Looks beyond behaviour in order to make a real difference with each student
Fosters + nurtures a sense of belonging + connection
Aligns mental health + behaviour initiatives to create a successful wraparound approach
Here is What is Included When You
Work With Think Effective Consultancy
1-2 Hrs Speaking/Presentations
$500 per presentation + travel

Zoom Meeting to identify specific topic & requirements for presentation. Presentations are designed to inspire or inform a school or staff about an area of need such as providing inspiration to a staff about developing a Culture of Wellbeing. They are often useful to create buy-in from the staff.

Presentation & Access to any materials used during presentation such as power point for future reference

NOT INCLUDED: Travel Expenses
Workshop Sessions
$500 (1-2 Hrs) - $1000 (Full Day)
per workshop + travel

Zoom Meeting to Plan Needs for Session to ensure high level of engagement and buy-in from team

1-2 hour interactive workshop with team or interested individuals or Full Day session to work through implementation of an area. These sessions differ from a presentation in that they are designed to achieve progress and improve outcomes in the stage you are implementing. Participants will actively workshop ideas for your community and engage in activities and discussion in order to come away with clearly met outcomes and documents for accountability & progress.

All resources used in workshop will be provided and follow up documentation sent based on collaboration and consensus during workshop. These resources will be available to share with the school team and will assist in ongoing implementation and improved mental health outcomes

NOT INCLUDED: Travel Expenses
One on One Group Coaching
$5000-10000 (with a maximum of 10 days)
Negotiated via Zoom

60 min Initial Zoom Meeting to determine needs, frustrations & the point of entry for coaching and a specific written quote and timeline agreed to & signed at this stage.

A More Lengthy Strategy Meeting (in person or online) to create a Unique Action Plan tailored to meet the local needs of your school and consider your strengths

A Detailed stepped out process for implementation to provide a goals and targets for the team or yourself and ensure accountability along the way

Support @ each stage of implementation (in person or online) to help you achieve maximum effectiveness and sustainability

Personalised Support Resources to aid implementation to make life a little easier and reduce stress levels of the team members or individual

Ongoing support included via phone/email/zoom

NOT INCLUDED: Travel Expenses
Potential Presentations:
  • Creating a Culture of Wellbeing: An Overview

  • Developing a Shared Understanding of Mental Health (for staff or students)

  • Creating a School Mental Health Action Team

  • Strategies to Foster Relationships

  • Belonging & Connection

  • Developing Student Engagement Plans

  • Writing a School Wellbeing Plan

    School Based Mental Health Promotion

    SEL Programme Overview - Supporting Parents & Students Through Mental Health Difficulties
Potential Workshop Topics:

Any presentation topics can be run as a Workshop looking to develop specific strategies and plans tailored to your school needs

  • Your School Shared Understanding of Mental Health & Protective/Risk Factors Unique to your setting 1-2hrs

  • Setting up Your School Mental Health Action Team - foundational workshop with team to get them set up and operating effectively

  • Creative & Powerful Data Collection to Drive Your Decision Making

  • Selecting an SEL Programme to Suit Your School.

  • Student Engagement Planning with the Student Services Team

  • Write your unique school Culture of Wellbeing Plan - Full day minimum
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