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Helping Communities, Schools & Passionate Individuals Improve
Mental Health Outcomes
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Hey, I’m Renee Knapp.

I am an Independent Consultant who can help you achieve improved mental health outcomes across your community and get funding to support your initiatives.

I work with communities, local govt & passionate individuals who want to make real & sustainable change happen in the space of mental health.

All across society amazing individuals work in silos trying to solve the mental health crisis, frustrated that it continues to worsen despite all your best efforts, and burnt out from trying to do it all.

Rural communities have a unique opportunity to bring the strengths that already exist in govt sectors, community & sporting groups together to create an intentional collaborative approach to improve mental health & wellbeing outcomes.

Think Effective Consultancy can provide you with a grass roots, proven framework for improvement & clear actionable steps that will help you create a cross-sector, community based approach that will lead to true mental health reform in your region and funding to support it.

Learn From Renee
I feel passionately that we can do things better! We can make a real difference to our communities, to our staff and to our students! We can improve mental health in our communities by working together across the sectors. We can utilise a Framework for change so that our work is sustainable and achieves the goals we have set.
Together We Can...
Implement a planned approach to mental health improvement in your community or school.
Set up a successful action team to implement your plan (with maximum buy-in + across the sectors)
Target specific areas of improvement e.g. data collection developing a sense of belonging,
gaps in support/student services.
Write a Community or School wellbeing plan with actionable priorities to help you access grants and bring your plans to life.
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