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Accessing over $400 000 worth of grants to improve mental health.

Acquiring $200 000 worth of funding for salaries alone (rather than always having to rely on people volunteering their time)

Building brand new facilities, buying new equipment and bringing previously inaccessible education and events to a rural town.

This has all happened in a rural town in Western Australia since adopting my COMMUNITY APPROACH TO MENTAL HEALTH.

For those of you who may not know, I began my Community Mental Health in my own home town.  I spend a lot of time talking across Australia about the benefits of this model but it is this foundational journey that still brings me so much pride.

I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you what a group of local people can achieve whether they are in a small or larger community when they work together to improve mental health and wellbeing.  

Below is some information about key achievements this Community Mental Health Action Team have achieved since I began working with them in 2016. 

case study
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