Contact Me

What if I don’t have a team or know who to ask to be involved?

Don’t Worry! This is what I am here for. There are specific places to start that can be very helpful in getting the right people for your team (and it doesn’t need to be big to be successful)

Does everyone on the team need to be a Mental Health Professional?

Not at all. This team is not a counselling service. It is about finding people passionate about improving mental health outcomes and this can include mental health professionals, educators, police, local business people, sporting group representatives, Shire members, individuals with lived experience etc.

We have already tried writing a Community Wellbeing Plan and it didn’t work. What now?

This a common problem and an easy starting point. The reason the Wellbeing Plan hasn’t worked and possibly hasn’t attained funding is because it is essential to do the foundational work. This creates buy-in from the community, does the background work needed to access funding and much more.

What if we have no funding but we desperately want to make this happen?

I completely understand and want to help you get started because funding WILL START TO FLOW. Contact my Amazing Grant Writer (who has helped get Boyup Brook get over $750 000 of funding)to help you get funding to access my services.

KIRSTEN SKRAHA - Grant Go Getter
kirsten.skraha@gmail.com 0459673030
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